- Officers Meeting – Tues. Nov. 29, 7:00 pm, at the home of Paul Mordini (907-691-6 574), 91517 Pribilof Loop, Eagle River.
- First Friday Scriptural Rosary – Dec. 2, 6:30 pm, Moth- er of God Chapel. Leader Terry Michalski (907-230- 6729
- Knights Christmas Dinner – Saturday, Dec. 3 (6:00 – pre-dinner social; 7:00 at Chugiak- Eagle River Senior Center ). Bring a guest(s), cost $45.00 per person. Make reservations ASAP with Paul Mordini (907-691-6574). - New General Membership Meeting date – Wed. Dec. 14, 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Mother of God Chapel. - “Wreaths Across America” ceremony Sat. Dec. 17 at noon. If interested in selling memorial wreaths for the ceremony or helping at the ceremony, contact TerryMichalski (907-230-6729).
- “Keep Christ in Christmas” sale —weekend Masses of Nov. 26 – 27, Dec. 3-4 and Dec. 10 - 11. If interested in helping at the distribution table, contact Russ Hart (907-205-0808). - Heart-to-Heart Pregnancy Resource Center, needs baby wipes and newborn diapers. Drop off any donation in the church “God Box” or bring to a membership meeting. Paul Mordini (907-691-6574). - Council Treasurer still needed – contact Pierre Chaperon (907-862-0770) for information.