-Bison Hunt Raffle: Will need a POC for the Bison Hunt Raffle; Dec-May. Tickets have arrived and sign out/tracking sheet is available. POC Paul T. Mordini Grand Knight
John A. Forsting Council 9830
[email protected]
(907) 691-6574
· Sunday Scholarship breakfast (French toast, bacon, eggs, biscuits and gravy) – Dec. 11 after 10:00 Mass. POC Bill Galligan (907-903-4636). Help needed for setup (starting at 8:30 am), serving & cleanup.
· New General Membership Meeting date – Wed. Dec. 14, 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Mother of God Chapel.
· “Wreaths Across America” ceremony Sat. Dec. 17 at noon. If interested in selling memorial wreaths for the ceremony or helping at the ceremony, contact Terry Michalski (907-230-6729).
· “Keep Christ in Christmas” sale —weekend Masses of Nov. 26 – 27, Dec. 3 – 4, and Dec. 10 - 11. If interested in helping at the distribution table, contact Russ Hart (907-205-0808).
· Heart-to-Heart Pregnancy Resource Center, needs baby wipes and newborn diapers. Drop off any donation in the church “God Box” or bring to a membership meeting. Paul Mordini (907-691-6574).
· Council Treasurer still needed – contact Pierre Chaperone (907-862-0770) for information.
· Photos for collage needed of past Knights activities – please send to Gary Grennon by text (907-360-6671) or email ([email protected]).
-Knight Knews in the Church Bulletin: POC Gene Cyrus. Great job, If you are a POC for an project or event, please provide written input to Gene for the bulletin.